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Smoking Cessation Clinic

Our smoking cessation clinic offers personalized programs and support to help individuals quit smoking. We understand that quitting smoking is a challenge, but we are here to help you every step of the way. Our clinic offers a variety of services, including:

  • Behavioral counseling: We provide counseling to help you understand your smoking habits and develop strategies to quit.
  • Nicotine replacement therapy: We offer nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) in the form of patches, gum, lozenges, and nasal spray. NRT can help reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
  • Medications: We offer medications, such as varenicline and bupropion, that can help you quit smoking.
A hand holding a fist over a pile of cigarettes.
  • Support groups: We offer support groups where you can connect with other smokers who are trying to quit.

Our clinic is committed to helping you quit smoking for good. We offer a variety of services to help you succeed, and we will work with you to find the best approach for you.

If you are ready to quit smoking, we encourage you to contact our clinic today. We can help you get the support you need to succeed.

Call us today to schedule an appointment.

All the information on this website is for educational purposes only. Patients should not start any medication based on this information without the advice of a medical practitioner.